Contemporary Novels
by William Maltese

A Lambda Literary Award nominee
Green Candy Press
© 2004
Maltese once again proves his versatility as best-selling international author by intimately taking his readers into territory previously only vaguely explored. This time, he foregoes the big-city denizens of hustlers and those hustled, bypasses the California coastlines and resident all-American riders (of surf and other things), to provide fascinating, and often humorous insight, into bucolic contemporary Slovakia. With his famed been-there, done-that, and seen-that acumen, he entertainingly peels back the layers of Eastern-Europe rural life to reveal marvelous glimpses of lives far more exciting and sexually charged than many of us imagine.

"Before renting that next DVD in the adult section…succumb to the sexual quenching provided by William Maltese’s SLOVAKIAN BOY."

"There’s going to be talk around the proverbial ‘water cooler’ about this sure-to-become erotic classic for many years to come."
     -IGW-V2-Issue 10

I find my favorite spot. I get off the wagon long enough to let Anastázia’s reins drag the ground. She’ll graze contentedly without taking more than a few steps in any direction. Enough sunlight through the trees has provided rich blanket of grass for grazing.
     It’s too early in the year for the apple blossoms, which are particularly lovely and can give the place a fairyland quality.
     It’s too early in the year for edible apples. The shiny, tiny globes of fruit that do weigh the branches are bite-size belly-aches
     Yet at any time of year, the place has its charm.
     It’s a bit strange having someone here with me. Until now, the spot has been my private place. A bit strange, too, that of all people I might share it with (Erna, Tatania, Ida), I end up here with a complete strangera guy in the bargain.
     I climb back onto the seat and turn to Pavel.

Contemporary Novels
by William Maltese
Prowler Books
© 2001
Maltese goes bicoastal in this sexy novel of one studly hitchhiker who's making his way from Florida toward inadvertent hook-up with each of three surfing buddies unknowingly awaiting him on the sunny beaches of southern California. WHEN SUMMER COMES, a nice change of pace from the author's popular short stories, is a sure-fire surfer-boy classic. Maltese at his sex-lead best!

"The book provides an enjoyable romp through Maltese's America. This is a land populated almost entirely by "studley" gay men who get down to the action..." review

"Here's Maltese at his very best in giving us our asked-for young, hung, and handsome studly sex-dynamos doing what sex-dynamos do best. No involved story lines in this one (read one of the author's Stud Draqual Mystery Series if you're 'into' plot). What Maltese does provide, though, is plenty of okay-by-me turns-on for my evenings at home alone."
     -Adrian deBolt, author THE ALIEN WITHIN

The saddle is heavy. Jason doesn't envy any horse that has to carry the damn thing around all day. He has trouble getting it up and over his shoulder. That the kind of "cowboy" he is.
     "Take hold of the saddle horn, there," the guy says and gives a helping hand.
     It's all so fucking unreal.
     Maybe it's a dream. Maybe Jason is already knocked unconscious by lightning and hallucinates in his coma.
     "Wait! Wait!"
     As if Jason is going anywhere, weighed down by rain and the saddle.
     The photographer produces a hat. A Stetson. Dry one moment. Wet the next. Downright droopy by the time it gets from the back of the car to Jason's head.
     "Jesus!" Jason says. Never has he felt so much like an animal performing for his supper. He would feel less put-upon if required to pull out his cock for a ride, for money, for a meal.
     The guy snaps more photos. Lightning strikes more times, closer to home. The heat of it warms the backs of Jason's legs and his ass. If not for his being rain-soaked, he's sure he'd be on fire.
     "Fucking great!" the guy says.
     "You're fucking crazy!" Jason says. He's had enough. Of the butt-singeing lightning. Of the rain. Of the saddle. Of the cowboy hat. Of the kook with the camera.

Other Books By Vanessa in White Marble
William Maltese (writing as Anna Lambert)
American Art Enterprises (Carousel Romances)
© 1980
House of the Brave Bulls
William Maltese (writing as Anna Lambert)
American Art Enterprises (Carousel Romances)
© 1980
Love's Courage
William Maltese (writing as Anna Lambert)
American Art Enterprises (Carousel Romances)
© 1979

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Other Books By
The Last Galaxy Game
William Maltese (writing as Karl Klyne)
American Art Enterprises (Carousel Sci-fi/fantasies)
© 1980
Other Books By
Voyage of the Trigon
William Maltese (writing as Adriana DeBolt)
American Art Enterprises (Carousel Sci-fi/fantasies)
© 1981
The Alien Within
William Maltese (writing as Adriana DeBolt)
American Art Enterprises (Carousel Sci-fi/fantasies)
© 1980
The Crystal of Power
William Maltese (writing as Adriana DeBolt)
American Art Enterprises (Carousel Sci-fi/fantasies)
© 1980
Other Books By
Riders of the Dragon
William Maltese (writing as Christopher Dane)
American Art Enterprises (Carousel Sci-fi/fantasies)
© 1981
Bohack: Symbiotic Worlds
William Maltese (writing as L. Linehan)
American Art Enterprises (Carousel Sci-fi/fantasies)
© 1981
The Galactic Arena
William Maltese (writing as Christopher Dane)
American Art Enterprises (Carousel Sci-fi/fantasies)
© 1981
Michael: The Master
William Maltese (writing as W. Lambert III)
American Art Enterprises (Carousel Sci-fi/fantasies)
© 1981
Jason and the Astronauts
William Maltese (writing as Karl Klyne)
American Art Enterprises (Carousel Sci-fi/fantasies)
© 1981
Encores in Fade
William Maltese (writing as W. Lambert III)
ISBN: 089784145X
American Art Enterprises (Carousel Sci-fi/fantasies)
© 1981
Abort Project K!
William Maltese (writing as Lambert Wilhelm)
American Art Enterprises (Carousel Adventures)
© 1981
Assignment: Grey Area
William Maltese (writing as W. Lambert III)
American Art Enterprises (Carousel Adventures)
© 1981
Other Books By Love's Golden Spell
William Maltese (writing as Willa Lambert)
Harlequin (SuperRomance #59)
© 1983
From This Beloved Hour
William Maltese (writing as Willa Lambert)
Harlequin (SuperRomance #23)
© 1982
Love's Emerald Flame
William Maltese (writing as Willa Lambert)
Wordspinner Press
© 1987
Moon-Stone Intrigue
William Maltese (writing as Willa Lambert)
Wordspinner Press
© 1988
Jungle-Quest Intrigue
William Maltese (writing as Willa Lambert)
Wordspinner Press
© 1987
Emerald-Silk Intrigue
William Maltese (writing as Willa Lambert)
Wordspinner Press
© 1987
Contemporary Novels
by William Maltese (with Alex von Mann)
Prowler Books
© 1997
As only world-traveler William Maltese can so well do, he this time takes his reader into the exotic and steamily sexy landscape of contemporary Zanzibar. In so doing, he provides one hell of an adventure that comes (in more ways than one) filled to the brim not only with rough sex but with meaningful insight into how this isolated locale's present (and future) is still influenced by those forever dark aspects of this island nation's infamous slave-trade past.

"...the author does a fine job of depicting Zanzibar in both its natural beauty and urban decay; the continual heat and humidity turn hotel beds into mildewed ruins, and fresh water is almost unheard of.... "
     -Bay Windows, Volume 16 / Number 41

"An exotically erotic and whip-cracking tale of modern Zanzibar. Beat your way to the head of the line to get your hands on this one "
     -Kyle Reich, author, Night of the Animals

The caves at Mangapwani were a good many miles away and accessed via a roadway even more horrendously rutted than the main highway left to get there.
     The jungle had taken hold, undeterred now by the tramp of even the few sightseers who had made it that far in the best of times. Two flights of rough-hewn stone steps descended to a murky pool of stagnant water in the main cavern but didn't admit any fresh air. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of slaves had once been packed together, at one and the same time, in that suffocating hole used by slave traders as a natural holding pen.
    In contrast, the beach, just a few yards beyond was a surprising and welcome relief.
    "I should have brought swimming trunks," Jack said. He'd started sweating immediately after the comparative cool of his very early morning had given way to the greater heat that accompanied full sunrise. He hadn't stopped sweating since. "At least the breeze off the water is a pleasant change."
    "Who says you need swimming trunks?" Konoco asked. "You see anyone here but us?"

Contemporary Novels
by William Maltese (with Joey)
Prowler Books
© 1997
An international best-seller, and already a must-have for collectors, this book is pretty much as advertised. In short, it's the reader's opportunity to get an ongoing peek into just what it's like to be young, good-looking, desired, and for sale. With a much-appreciated tongue-in-cheek joie de vivre, our protagonist lets us play voyeur to learn that not everyone who performs sex for a living is destined to suffer emotional consequences because of it.

"Im a sucker for humor, and this author's knack for an amusing turn of phrase can charm the pants off just about anybody, I no exception."
     -Chad Stuart, author, Mountain Men

"Part of the Just Eighteen series from Prowler, and described as a shocking account of the sleazy underbelly of Los Angeles, this is supposedly the frank and full-on diary hot from the mouth of an 18-year-old male prostitute but if this is a real diary, then Oscar Wilde was right about a diary being sensational reading!"
     -Dreaded Ned's on-line book reviews

Thane works for Glen Mackelroy who runs an exclusive and expensive call-boy service out of a penthouse downtown. Apparently, Glen has, among others, a certain clientele, rumored bigwigs, every one, who like young boys but aren't about to risk their jobs and/or their social standings by messing around with chicken. They make do with guys, like me, who are of age but don't look it. Recently, at least two of Glen's stable of pseudo chicken matured a tad too much for the ongoing tastes of Glen's special-interest group. Glen put word on the street as to what he wanted by way of replacements."
     I didn't volunteer, mind you. Kenny Jones told Philip Jackson about me, who told... Well, you get the picture. Somehow word got to Glen who apprently likes what he sees but wants, now, to make sure I've the other potential for which he's looking. If the whole purpose to my servicing certain men is that I have to pretend to be as innocent as I look, it takes a lot of expertise to feign virginity when you've not longer got it, and Glen wants to be sure I'm up to the act. Glen only deals with professionals, by way of call boys, and my session with Thane is to make damned sure I won't balk when confronted by whatever....