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e-books Gerun, The Heretic
by William Maltese
© 2007
Category: Science-fiction

Who is Jon Missionary, the half-wit, and why are he and his books so dangerous? On the planet Kanran-90, the religious establishment is threatened by anyone questioning tthe stastus quo. And the Emperor's beauteiful duaghter, Melina-Lu, doesn't help matters any when she falls in love with the heretic Missionary.

Years later, the Religio-College has returned to power and with a weaker Emperor sitting astride the Kanran-9 throne, it now begins purging the half-wit's descendants.

Will Gerun Misisonary survive the pogrom long enough to larn why so many people are desperate to kill him?


The rendezvous spot had Gerun worried. It was perfect for an ambush. Cylic blazers could easily weave the area and find the target. Boy today, blistered crust tomorrow! Not a pretty anticipation after havintg survived three assassinatin attempts in as many terns. Gerun Missionary had every right to be wary.

e-books Heart on Fire: A romance
by William Maltese
© 2007

First, there was the devastating holocaust that gutted Seattle's Marine World and made extensive renovations to that facility necessary..

Then, Janine decided to advntage her unscheduled hiatus to join the staff researching and monitoring the renewed volcanic activity on Mt. St. Helens.

Even more heat flared when Janine suddenly developed a romasntic relationship with the handsome and brilliant geologist, Chad Samuels.

But when the mountain explodes, seemingly bent upon the annihilation of everyone and everything within sriking distance, only a heart on fire can save her love!

Two men though cousins, dabble in mutual-attraction and forbidden love.


What was there, those hree hours laster...what mysterious warning signal that simultaneously went off inside all three victims...that had Janine, Chad, and Ethan suddeny wide awake and turned as one toward the mountain's hazy silhouette in the gloom directly to the south of them?

Janine gasped audibly as a new more intense red glow expanded until the craster of Mt. St. Helens, visible through the serrated edges of what remained of its collapsed North FAce, seemed lit by an additional maze of colored spotlights turned on from within.

"it'll be all right," Chad hugged her more closely.

But how could it be all right when, like the tipped cauldron that Janine had once seen at Kaiser Aluminum's Mead pot line, during a high-school field trip, the mountain began its slow spill of fiery contents?

"Oh-ho!" Ethan's started understatement emphasized Janine's worst fears.

A river of magma was on the move toward them.

e-books circuSex: a one-hand read®
by William Maltese
© 2007

Jaded? Bored? Looking for something exotic and different?

How about a look-see at dwarf Jeremy Small's Mr. Not-So-Small? How about the loving embrace of the Tarantula Man with his two extra arms and his three extra eyes, none of the latter seeing anything? Or, might you prefer a liaison with Dog Boy, or with the Bearded Lady, or with the Human Cannon Ball...?

All of the above are available, but not on the cheap. Money, often lots of it, is what gets you access to after-hours special acts performed by those otherwise removed from the spotlights by doo-gooders who successfully black-tar circus sideshows as immoral and inhumane. No matter that sideshows provided so many "special people" for so long with decent livelihoods for themselves and for their families.

Or, might you prefer doing "it" on an elephant, or between the humps of a camel, or in a tiger's cage, or even hanging from the high trapeze, accompanied by Circus Six's center-ring stars available for fun and gamesif you've the hard cash (and hard whatever) needed to join them?

Darrel Winestein, the Tattooed Man, is unavailable for extreacurricular bookings for reasons detailed in circuSex.

EXCERPT (with adult content):


The one wall of the shower stall that faced me, from across the room and slightly down the hall, was opaque. Once Darrel was latched inside, washed down with water, he continually pressed segments of his wet body against the inside glass. Each time he did so, whatever tattoos were inked on thos esegments of his wet skin miraculously appeared, only vaguely distorted through the glass on my side. It was as if I viewed a heaily misted jungle, jugsts of wind constantly blowiong away bits of themist to unveil an exotic flower here, a succulent plant there, a monkey, a peccary, a parrot, a large-winged butterfly. When Darrel pressed his ass hard against the glass and provided for my viewing pelasure the head of the jaguar that was tattooed, whiskers and all, on the canvas provided by both of Darrel's firm buttcheeks, my cock leaked a gneuine flood of preseiminal goo in appreciation.

His anaconda of gree-and-black indelible inks was a genuine sight to behold. It anchored its tail over the instep of his right foot, curled its thickly sensuous body counterclockwise around his right leg, up and over his righ hip, onto his stomach and into a narrow oxbow up and over his knotted navel, bfore it flowed straigh down to his shaveds cortch, and narrowed only slightly as it blossomed three-dimensional aong the thick neck of his cock (snakehead and cockhead one and the same).

e-books Blood-Red Resolution
by William Maltese
© 2007
Words: 41686
Reading Time: 119-166 min.
Category: Science Fiction
Order from Fictionwise.com

It's a new metal detected by the Spaceborn Imaging Satellites (SIS), who've labeled it the blood-red resolution matrix. The problem for Dayklan Inc. is that The Mentlic Group has already reached and fortified the site&3151;possession being nine-tenths of the law. Is the new discovery worth a corporate war?

United Courier Service's Dave Wilcox must transport three hard-won specimens from the ancient stronghold of Machu Picchu to Cuzco, little suspecting that death and destruction are destined to be his constasnt companions on each and every step of his danger-fraught journey.


Dane Wilcox set his travel clock for a one-thirty A.M. alarm, and he dozed until seconds before the buzzer went off.

At the Machu Picchu hotel sink, he splashed his face with water that he wouldn't drink on a bet. He paid little notice to his mirror-reflected black hair, black eyes, dimpled cheeks, and cleft chin, which all came together in a rugged boyishness that belied his thirty-two years. He was no more immune than the next guy to good-looks of other people, but he'd always considered his own physical attractiveness a superficiality.

He bundled up in a llama-wool vest that he'd bought in Cuzco. He exited his room quietly and made his way through the deserted lobby and out the front door.

/Well-honed reflexes told him, without seeing or hearing other evidence, that he wasn't alone. The adrenaline, spontaneously released throughout his system, produced an attracive flush and a sheen of sweat that high-lighted the contours of his cheeks and jaw line.

"I'm sorry," she apologized. "I thought you saw me."

e-books The Fag is Not for Burning
by William Maltese
© 2007
Words: 85225
Reading Time: 243-340 min.
Category: Mystery/Crime
Order from Fictionwise.com

Seattle gay art gallery owner Horton Lendland is definitely dead, and it wasn't just a wienie roast! The suspects are legion:

A hustlertwo business partnersthe best friendthe once-successful painterthe Catholic priestthe S&M crowdthe American Indianthe teacher accused of pederasty.

Trouble is, the Seattle P.D.'s too busy chasing serial killers to spare anyone but the young, inexperienced Detective Cord Maxwell. As Maxwell tries to penetrate the reefs of the local gay community, the tensions mount:

Who killed Horton Lendland?


"Was I surprised?" Morgan G. Kent asked, rephrasing Detective Cord Maxwell's question, and pouring himself the drink the policeman declined. The Chevas Regal formed an immediate stripe of pale amber that glistened through the refracting lead crystal of the tumbler. Morgan drank the booze English-warm while Lake Union dock lights and attending flotilla offered him and his Seattle penthouse a dazzling backdrop through two-story-high picture windows. "As early as two years ago, an acquaintance of mine commented that Horton Lendland would undoubtedly die violently. I was possbly surprised by the suggestion, but probably not."

"this acquaintance?" Cord asked, looking up from his notebook and its seemingly illible scrawl. He wrote only to look official in the presence of someone he found unacceptably disconcerting. It was more than Morgan being gay. If Morgan were gay. Cord was unable to find anyone to verify that on a first-hand basis, although the handsome and successful writer was always mentioned in any who's-who-within-the-gay-community converations.

"I'm reluctant to give you a name," Morgan said with a wide smile that dimpled his cheeks; those attractive concaves perfectly offset the small cleft couched in his chin, "because his comment was one anyone might have deduced from the evidence. By now, even you must have enough of an overview of Horton Lendland's life-style to be less than shocked by his manner of dying."

e-books SS&M: Being Excerpts from the Nazi Death-Head Files
by William Maltese
SS&M: Being Excerpts from the Nazi Death-Head Files
© 2007
words: 41566
Reading Time: 118-166 min.
Category: Erotica
Order from Fictionwise.com

Jews, like Marta and Megan, know them.


Nazis, like SS Colonel Saber and Major Sonnenburg, want to know them, have to know them, see not knowing them as a threat to the purity of the Aryan nation.


That Jews lke Melissa ("M") haven't got a clue makes no difference at all to Nazi Captain Stahlhelm, who thinks she does.


There's a plague loose within civilized society that needs to be ferreted out and destroyed. Anyone who stands in the way of the Final Solution will be eliminatedwith prejudice!

EXCERPT (with adult content):

"You are nothing more than a piece of meat," Colonel Saber said, pacing in front of what was once a pretty young woman. "Actually, you are less even than meat. Meat can at least be eaten; not even a Jew would eat fellow pig, would he?"

His words barely penetrated to Marta's brain. There'd been so much pain, so very much, that the shrieking hum of it still remained to the distraction of everything else. It played loudly against her one punctured eardrum. It pulsed throughout her body like a second heartbeat.

Colonel Saber moved Marta's head with the tip of his highly polished black boot. In a way, it was a shame that she'd been so difficult. She had, after all, been a very attracisve member of her subhuman species. She could have had a few more months left to live in one of the special prostitution establishments staffed by non-Aryans. And, not even Saber had anything against a German fucking a Jew. That was certainly no different than fucking a dog: something done by at least one member of Hitler's High Command.

e-books Anal Cousins: Case Studies in Variant Sexual Practices
by William Maltese
Anal Cousins: Case Studies in Variant Sexual Practices
© 2007
words: 41566
Reading Time: 118-166 min.
Category: Erotica
Order from Fictionwise.com

Carolyne's parents are dsetermined to go to any length to assure her virginity at marriage, and so they recruit two cousins for sexual explorations that'll leave less evidence behind.

Adam, his hormones raging, wllingly allows himself to be seduced by a cousin who is already jaded by normal sex and needs something more from the men in her life.

A gang-raped young woman turns to her trusted cousin and unorthodox sex to combat the trauma of gang-rape, unwanted pregnancy, and abortion.

Two men though cousins, dabble in mutual-attraction and forbidden love.

EXCERPT (with adult content):

"It was inevitable that Adrian and I ge together and fuck. Not because we were same-sex cousins--though, genetically, that probably had a lot to do with it--but because we looked so much alike and, as a diresct result of that (narcissism run rampant?!), we really were turned on by each other. Even if we had both been straight, we would have likely managed some bit of homosexual experimentation, in taht we were both adventuresome in our exjplorations of potential sexual fun and games.

"In every man, I think, there is a bit of self-love. It's fascinating to have sex with someone who is almost your exact duplicate, without being an official twin. It's kind of like fucking, or making love, to a magical mirror thatking, or making love, to a magical mirror that responds in kind."