There are reasons I decided to do this section of my web-page.

Several times in my life, I’ve found myself wishing that I could somehow have been the lover of a genuinely great artist who could have — and would have — voluntarily enjoyed artistically rendering my image, in one way or another, again and again; thereby providing me a certain immortality. However, I never seemed to have ended up in the right place at the right time with the right talented person.

With no such place, time, or artist, even lately having seen to be on my immediate horizon, and seemingly even less likely of making an appearance, as even more years come and go, I’ve decided it’s now or never as far as taking matters into my own hands — as usual —at least to the degree I see possible.

I’ve decided, nude photograph of me — at a younger age — in hand, to seek out various artists whose work I’ve personally come to enjoy, in whatever their particular artistic media, and ask them, using my photo by way of template, each to provide a work of art, in his or her own style, for an ongoing series of artwork to be collectively titled ARTISTS “DO” author WILLIAM MALTESE.

Therefore, as the weeks, months, and years progress, you’ll find, here, in this hopefully ever-expanding section, not only the original photo provided each artist, by way of hoped-for inspiration, but each artist’s resulting work, as his or her commissioned piece is completed.

All of the images in this section are protected under federal copyright laws of the United States, all rights reserved. All images are copyright, and may not be copied, reproduced, published, or transmitted under any circumstances without the written permission of the author and/or copyright owners.

Images in this section have been watermarked using the Digimarc system. Digimarc is the leading developer of digital watermarking technologies. Digimarc’s patented technologies allow digital data to be imperceptibly embedded in traditional and digital visual content, including photographs, and other artistic images. These technologies deter counterfeiting, piracy, and other unauthorized uses.

Finally, let me emphasize that while this section is not pornographic in nature, the artwork contained within this section does in many instances contain male nudity and is, therefore, intended only for adult viewing. Continuing beyond this point states that you are of legal age to view adult images in whatever state and/or country you reside. If you are not legally authorized to view adult images and/or may be offended by the nude male body please click, now, on EXIT.

Otherwise, please, now, click on WELCOME to continue.

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